I had another date with CJ from the previous post last night. He was late. Anyone who knows me, knows that I detest tardiness but I didn't give him too hard of a time since he showed up with wine. We were going to see Hercules but due to the late hour and the wine thought it best not to. He suggested going downtown to walk on the river, which sounded great. I figured the date was salvageable at this point. Boy was I wrong! He was pulled over for going 7 miles over when we got downtown. He said he thought the speed limit was 45. The cop said it was but they just changed it after construction started. We decided to shake that off and proceed to the river. As soon as we park CJ says, "Uh oh here comes my ex," and a tall, angry light skinned man appears at the driver's side window. He addresses me for some reason and then calls CJ a liar and a loser and says he's been having mail sent to his house. Well they did live together... The man is mad because a check for $18 was sent to his house?? Really? He rants and raves for about 10 minutes and leaves. We still decided to walk for a bit to shake the awkwardness. Dude drives back through but didn't stop or say anything. We decide to leave. I noticed that he's driving a camaro like the one CJ said he had before. The ex had called him saying that he had to let both his infinity and CJ's camaro go back and that he needed him to send 7k cause he had no car. Funny... CJ's the liar but you're driving a camaro that went back to the dealer. Last night fucking sucked worse than reality tv! Who's up all night to get lucky? Not me!