I have been intending to blog for quite some time now but you know they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I haven't really been motivated much, plus my laptop was possessed or something. I finally broke down and got a netbook, so maybe I no longer have an excuse other than being tired (or lazy)? So I drove home to Louisiana for Thanksgiving and it turned out to be pretty good for the most part. I think that this is the first holiday in years that I've spent time with both my younger brother and closest cousin. It was almost a little weird. We grew up together and haven't seen each other or spoken in so long. We were all very close in the past so now...I don't know. I wasn't anticipating the meeting with my cousin at all. I'm not sure why, though. She and I were inseparable growing up, but as the years have passed we've grown apart. Partially due to my moving away and partially due to her ever changing phone numbers. Somehow, we just started talking again like nothing ever changed. It was really nice seeing her and hanging out. I was almost tempted to move back, but then I woke the fuck up. Every time I go home, I have a crazy cousin story and this time I have two. I love this woman dearly, but she used to be umm...very promiscuous. Ok, she was a hoe. So anyway, when she told me she's now doing mission work I was like say what now? That was the first thing that threw me off, but not totally surprising. Her family is heavily involved in the church. That was a soft blow. I noticed that there was umm... a hole in the living room window from the porch where we were sitting and inquired about it. She told me her brother was involved in a bit of a scuffle
LAST FUCKING YEAR and her dad refuses to get it fixed. He feels that since my cousin broke it and said he'd fix it, that it won't be fixed until then. Really? So that's how we do? I can't support his shit on any day of the week. It's getting too cold for this type of bullshit. I was telling my friend Kendal about it and he wanted to hang up on me. *sigh*

Anyway,she updates me more about her brother and what's been going on in his life and then he shows up. He now has 2 children and he's now going by the name Apostle. He feels that it's his job to tell as many people about Jesus as possible - even if he has to spam them on Facebook with viral videos apparently... I thought he'd deleted me as a friend, but his profile was reported for harassment and deleted. He posted 30 links to a video about Jesus to the BET Facebook profile. I don't know why he felt that more than one was necessary. So now he can only add 2 people a day. If he requests more friends, he's reported for suspicious activity and they suspend his account. Crazy, right?
Now, hanging with my brother is something different. I miss it, but I know that we will eventually kill each other if we spend too much time together. I think that we spent just enough time together this holiday season. I'm not even going to talk about the rest of the family right now because my soul can't handle any more.
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