I swear I feel like I've written this exact blog before. I didn't find it in the search so if I'm repeating myself please forgive me. My insomnia doesn't help my memory. I still don't feel like I should be in reruns already.
The job is stressing me the fuck out. I think I'm losing my hair. I bet someone laughed about that considering that I'm bald. But no seriously, the job is just really getting to me. I'm losing my appetite and I hate life right now. Now maybe I shouldn't feel that way because I have a job, but I do. I feel like vomiting or crying or both every day now. I gotta find something else. I'm working on this resume. I need something new asap.
So...there's this butch lesbian chick at my job that I used to be cool with. She was talking slick to me though, so you know she didn't last long. She couldn't deal with response to her dumb ass comments. I don't even remember what the bitch said, but she got her feelings hurt because she was intentionally antagonizing me. Needless to say, we're no longer cool at this point. One day while sitting in the break room I hear this clicking of heels and I just know a bad bitch is about to walk around the corner with some red bottoms on. Lo and behold it's this bitch. The girl at the table with me turns around and says, "Who is this with these desperado ass boots on?" I couldn't help but laugh about it. Now every time I see her in these boots I think "Desperado" and laugh to myself. Then I go back to my desk and dougie. Oh I don't care if you're judging me. I'm sure you've done something terrible like run over your neighbor's cat and didn't tell them or fuck your best friend's mom. Fuck you for judging me! Just kidding. Unless you really are judging me. Whores.
Edit: I'm sick of this motherfucker on Facebook sending me Cityville or Farmville requests all day. Bitch kill yoself
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