I won't be seeing the guy from my last post again because he was slick trying to force me into a relationship. He's a nice guy, but it's not going to work out. He just tried to force so many things to happen and the more he pushed, the more I pushed back. I told him we should get to know each other as friends and he got pissed. He then told me to lose his number and he'll lose mine. Some time after that he said that he's back with his ex and he's going to take things slow this time. I congratulated him... Why did he tell me later that he was "just joking" about getting back with the ex? Umm... who does that? Did he think I'd be jealous or something?? Wrong! I was relieved and then disappointed. Now I'm concerned that he may be a nut.
Oh and you may be wondering about the ominous title of the blog... Maybe wicked isn't the right word but something looms on the horizon for me. Not sure if I'll blog about it or not but I'm a bit anxious. Yes, I'm over thinking things as usual. I need someone to cuddle with. I'm taking applications for a new booski. Preferably 5'10 or taller with a beautiful mind...not whorish...ok I'm stopping. This isn't e harmony but can I catch a break without it being my heart? Sheesh.
These f**** aren't patient these days. They just wanna screw or be possessive. But he sounds like a nut lol