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Saturday, November 6, 2010

fantasy life

dreamworld tourism is highly encouraged...permanent residency? not so much... you're a wonderful distraction from reality that i'd like to make a permanent good or bad habit. Oh and I just added the picture cause it's hot. *shrugs*

random insomniac thoughts

I don't do Xbox or play so I don't want u back...180 on that ass bitch, cut u in half...about face like soldiers...u just a baby, sippy cup like Folgers...I may wanna beat but I won't play your game...skeet you, delete you - more brothers at me than million man march...u a barbie girl...get yo nails done or eyebrows arched

lack of sleep has turned my brain to mush...ignore me today

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chicken Bones & Toilet Bowls

Yes, Batman, you read that correctly. Holy chicken bones and toilet bowls! You may be wondering why in the hell those two things would be in the same sentence and I can assure you that when it was presented to me, I was just as perplexed. One of my coworkers told me that he walked into one of our restroom stalls to take a piss, looked down and saw chicken bones in the toilet. I just do not understand this type of fuckery. There are a few elements to it. 1: You have a person who is special enough to bring food into a restroom - and eat it. 2: Special person ate the chicken and then tried to dispose of the bones by flushing them. 3: Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he person didn't go into the bathroom to eat the chicken... He just wanted to throw the bones away... Umm... there's a trash receptacle near the door! Furthermore, he tried to flush the bones, but what happened to the box that the chicken came in?? I'm sorry. I'm over thinking this as I do everything. I just can't understand... And I'm pretty sure that I'm missing an element or two here but what I've ruminated on is already too much for my poor soul to bear. This is almost as bad as Montana Fishburne's reasoning behind doing porn to further her acting career, even though Laurence Fishburne is her dad. WTF? Her mother should have have swallowed and the toilet eater's mom should have too.